Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When Enough is Enough

On Friday January 23 the Covenant High School and Dallas Academy faced off in one of the most memorable and most talked about girl's high school basketball games in history. Unfortunatly for all the wrong reasons. Never before had anyone thought it possible to beat another team by 100 points in a 48 miute high school game. It had never been done, it never had seemed like a feasible feat for that matter. On this day everything changed. On this day the final score read Covenant 100 points, Dallas Academy 0.

When I look at this score I see everything that is wrong with sports today. Reflected in this score I see a team of players who have lost sight of the power of sportsmanship and the honor that comes with representing your school in athletics. I also see a coach who is preaching the wrong morals and whose own insecurities are negatively influencing the minds of teenaged girls who need guidance. Last I saw fans who enjoyed the mockery that was supposed to be a basketball, not a single one saying as the score hit the century mark"Maybe its enough, maybe we should let up."

What makes this whole situation worse is the background behing the girls attending the Dallas Academy. This school is made up of 20 girls in total, 8 of which are on the basketball team. Worse of all Dallas Academy is a school for people who have witnessed tramatic events in their life. Covenant school was quite aware of of their opponent's pasts and yet they still found it necessary to slaughter their opponent I have a serious issue with this and have to question not only the leadership on the Covenant team but the upbrings of the players. Covenant School in my opinion is not the only one at fault. Why would the Athletic Director approve a game against one of the best schools in the country. He had to have known this was coming yet he did nothing.

In all many people are to blame for this situation, the best thing we can do is learn from the situation and better ourselves as athletes but more importantly as human beings.

1 comment:

  1. High school sports have lost sight of what they were intended to be. Football is like a job, insane practice hours. Most of the players don't even get to play in the game. The coaches have lost sight of the morals they are suppose to be instilling in the students. There needs to be a change in sports, because a lot of kids aren't even playing for all these reasons.
