Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Michael Vick

When thinking of sports only one name comes to my mind at this very point. That name is Michael Vick. Today at 4:00 in the morning Michael Vick was released from federal prison after serving 21 of his 23 month sentence for hosting a dog fighting ring. Vick will be returning to his house in Hampton, Virginia where he will serve the final 2 months under house arrest.

Two years ago Michael Vick was one of the premiere players in the league. The man made a horrible mistake and has served his jail time for it. The question now becomes should he be aloud to come back and play in the NFL or should a further punishment be handed down from the league. Organizations such as the Humane Society and PETA will do everything in tehir power to make sure he never sees the field again. While tehy are right to protest he admittance back to the league because the crimes he committed were inexcusable is it fair to ban him foreve from the league?

Personally I no problem allowing him back into the league as soon as his house arrest is complete. The man has paid his debt to society and everybody deserves a second chance. Also Michael Vick owes so many millions of dollars to the Falsons and to some of his former endorsers. He will be in debt teh rest of his life if he doesn't get the chance to play again in the NFL. Last he is only 29 years old. I honestly believe the man has some gas left in the tank and I know whoever signs him will be greatly helping their team.

All this being said I take back everything if he steps out of line but once. He should be on teh shortest of leashes (no pun intended) and should be banned forever if he does anything less than act as a model citizen. Michael Vick has the opportunity to actually do some good for the community and influence young men and women of the adverse affects of dog fighting. He deserves a second chances but noting more than that.

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