Sunday, February 8, 2009

High on Michael Phelps

The cliche "A picture is worth a thousand words" is what has been used to describe the past week for Olympic swimming sensation Michael Phelps. This past week a picture of Michael Phelps holding and smoking from a bong was sent to NBC. This picture shocked the world. People had view Michael Phelps as an icoon and a role model for their children. I guess now we just realize that he is human after all.

The consequences of the exposure of this photograph have been huge for Michael Phelps. He has been suspended from swimming competitions for three monthes and has been dropped by many of his endorsments. More importantly the public's perception has drastically changed about him. The question now becomes does he deserve such a strict punishment? Personally I don't think he does. First off, this picture was taken over three years ago. This means Phelps was still in high school when the incident happened. Everyone can attest to the fact that they did regrettable things in high school. Now at 21 we have to give Michael the benefit of the doubt that he has matured since the picture was taken. Additionally, sports superstars are found all the time to have done alot worse things than smoking pot. These athletes do not lose all their endorsements and get suspended. In all four major professional sports a first time drug offense results in either a warning or a minimul fine. This is for failing a random drug test from the day before not three years earlier.

Let me know what you think about the punishment. I'm interested to see if you believe its too harsh, not harsh enough, or that the punishment fits the crime.

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