Monday, February 16, 2009

You Too Alex? Just another addition to the Steroid Saga

While I in no way consider myself a baseball fan, I believe it necessary to comment on the latest chapter of the steriod saga. This past Tuesday, Sports Illustrated leaked out confidential information that Superstar Alex Rodriguez was one of 103 players who had tested positive for steriods during the 2003 season. This report was later confirmed by Rodriguez himself, who claimed that he was "Young and neive and that the pressure to succeed forced him to do something he would regret." This announcement sent shock waves throughout the sports world. This confirmation did alot more than just tarnish Alex Rodriguez's name, it took a home run sized swing at baesball's reputation. If not even their poster child Alex Rodriguez could be clean from steriods , who can they expect to be clean.

As for Rodriguez, he will most likely not make it into the Hall of Fame. Any records he breaks will be thrown out or have an asterisk placed next to them. More imporantly no matter how well he does people will always look at him as someone who was guilty of using steriods. Personally I believe this steriod issue is being made into way too big a deal. To begin with, at the time guys like Rodriquez, Jason Giambi, Rafael Palmaro, and Barry Bonds (probably) took steriods it was not an illegal substance. If it was not illegal and it clearly gave players and advantage then I see no reason why players would not use steriods. Another issue I have is that these players were being given steriods by their club house trainers. This is like a teacher giving you a "cheat cheat" for a test. While its not fair to students in other classes who don't get one, its not illegal, and if their teachers wanted to they could give them one. Last , baseball claims that steriods made the game an unlevel playing field. This would be true if only a few players did steriods. The fact is every month more and more names are coming out. If so many players did them, then the playing field should in fact be even.

Everyone has different opinions about steriods in baseball. Let me know how you feel about them.

1 comment:

  1. Steroids are horrible substances. Unless you NEED to use them, for medical issues or others of the sort, then you shpuldn't be using them. If you knew what was good for you, I guess you wouldn't be. Because, yes, temporarily you can be an all-star at whatever sport you choose, but long term effects of steroids on the human body are infinite and regretful. You can become addicted, like any other drug, because yes, Steroids are considered drugs. And with addiction, your body will learn to cope with the drug and without it it will falter into a useless machine. Here's a link for more information on the use of Steroids:
